Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Advanced Treatise in Herbology, New and Enlarged Edition pdf download (by Edward E Shook)

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"Herbalist of this country should combine as a unit, and fight for their rights as free American citizens. In England, the great medical Goliath was slain by the little David of united herbalists, so that the arbitrary laws were rescinded. The English herbalists are now free to practice their art, and are daily becoming more popular with the common people (the real power), and they are today nationally recognized physicians. We are trusting you with the secrets of nature's great healing agents, and their method of application. We are offering you power, success, and a place in the sun. Do no fail in your stewardship." Edward Shook, pg. 349
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Advanced Treatise in Herbology, New and Enlarged Edition pdf
Advanced Treatise in Herbology, New and Enlarged Edition download
Advanced Treatise in Herbology, New and Enlarged Edition book series pdf

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